Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The frame story

So, why have one?

It's really not something I've seen in the type of narrative I'm attempting to write for. So, once again, why?

One reason is that I simply like it. It ties together the real story and creates cohesion.

Having an event a quarter of a century after the story proper should tell the reader that everything led up to something. That it all, one way or another, had a meaning. We tend to like our stories that way.

Because that is another kind of escapism. Real life seldom seems to have a meaning, which is probably a good thing. Unless you're into predestination.

Another reason is that it's my own cheap way out of using too much foreshadowing. Or at least to get away with it. It's a matter of handling suspension of disbelief. I can dump a clunky "at that time they still didn't know..." into the text. Because the reader knows that over two decades later the characters are gathered together again, and thus everything in the 'real' story has already happened.

A third reason is the mystery aspect. A peculiar set of people are gathered at a party. Apparently for a reason. How did they end up there?

And in the end it's my story. If I want a frame story then there will be one.

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